Note on Remuneration for Legal Services

The level of remuneration for legal services is undoubtedly one of the criteria that a client considers when deciding whether to engage an attorney's services and which law firm to use in a given case. In no event, however, should it be the only criterion or a criterion that is an end in itself without any further decisions being taken.

Although there are undoubtedly exceptions to this rule, in the case of legal services, it is particularly true that "savings" achieved by not seeking expert legal advice and relying on generic legal opinions that are available on the Internet or hiring a so-called "cheap" lawyer can result in short-term or long-term damage that is difficult to rectify.

Unfortunately, attorneys far too often encounter these kinds of cases, where it is frequently too late to provide effective legal assistance. In many ways, the situation is comparable to an insurable incident for which it is too late to take out an insurance policy that would have covered all the damage incurred. It is also too late to change a "cheap and advantageous" insurance policy, which regrettably doesn't cover the claim that arises.

The well known principle of "vigilantibus iura" (i.e. "everyone should be vigilant about their right") applied as far back as the days of Roman law.

Democratic states use their laws simply to establish a framework for individual natural persons and legal entities to exercise their rights. Naturally, it is purely up to these individuals themselves to actively and effectively defend and safeguard their rights (i.e. by availing of professional, high-quality legal assistance).

In the same way in which it is appropriate to entrust a medical operation to a skilful surgeon, it is right to seek professional help from a good attorney in legal matters.